Hello Friends, Family, and the Parties necessary to the success of the “rescue mission” I am about to describe.


Hello Friends, Family, and the Parties necessary to the success of the “rescue mission” I am about to describe.

At the outset let me state, I now know that my frustration in the recent past that this issue has not been resolved sooner has been now recognized as part of the personally overwhelming nature of my brothers abuse ie: It has taken me this long to address the issues mentioned for the very reason that I have taken into account the abuse was not just directed at my mother but also myself, and that Bob’s “Gas Lighting” form of abuse was intended to traumatize me by abusing my mother in front of me and then isolating the two of us. Therefore my case against Robert is that both my Mother and Myself are Bob’s. I had to spend the good part of my early life recovering from my father’s. The first step, in realizing “you can’t change other people You can only change yourself” was moving away from the toxic energy to heal myself. (fortunately my father later in his life gave up drinking and made amends to my Mother and myself , and unfortunately for my brother and sister not being around to witness this part of their parents life ) My poor brother. He knows not what he does. But he does need to be stopped immediately as my Mothers health (both Mental and Physical) is at stake. Bob has woven a sticky, complicated web of lies which will, at this point in time require teamwork to get past. An understanding individual in CCAPS, the WC Police Department, and the CCC District Attorney’s Office will be necessary to get a temporary restraining order and while I can help in coordinating this “team” I myself have to work from the sidelines because of my brothers successful attempts at silencing me.  With that said…..please know that because of Bob's constant attempts at silencing me and preventing me from communicating to my mother, he will use "the no contact order" he has put in place as an excuse to cover himself. Do not be fooled into thinking this anything other than obstruction of justice..

My name is John Ayres. I am founder of the non-profit organization Metaversal Mental Health Care Advocates Group (we represent the Elderly, Dependent Adults, and Mental/Behavioural Health Patients in navigating issues of conservatorship etc) This organization was started in 2014 with the help of my Mother, Joanne Ayres (who is also a member) afterspending over a year of effort trying to protect a young lady named Brittany Harris from abuses in the system that was designed to look after her. The MMHCAG now represents hundreds of Contra Costa and Alameda Counties Elderly, Dependent, Mentally challenged residents.

I am the youngest of 3 children by 11 years. My mother, Joanne, had always made me aware that she wanted one last child to keep her in touch with things and keep her company in her old age. In other words, I was born to be who I am. Her oldest son Robert, has been trying (rather successfully by un-ending lies) to give the impression that he is looking after her best interests while in fact abusing her financially, psychologically, and physically as well as “gas lighting” her, and other forms of abusive manipulation, including painting a picture of me as the abuser.: He has no empathy for others, anger/rage management problems, blames others for his problems, etc…. At 95 my Mother is particularly vulnerable, which is why I will restate that the situation requires remedy as soon as possible.

In November of 2021, after Robert had taken credit cards away as well as her IPhone. I gave Joanne my new phone number and she would call me and ask if she could help me in anyway, as Bob had cut off the financial aid she had been giving me. I told her she could order and pay for a pizza and have it delivered to the park was I was living in, but Bob was ease dropping and started screaming at her (verbal abuse and isolation being just two of aspects of criminal gas lighting) that if she ordered me a pizza he would “move out of her house” (like a three-year-old having a tantrum). When she was resolute and asked for her credit card he refused to give it to her and began yelling more intensely. He hung up the phone. I wasn’t able to get through for a week and a half. This incident ended with my mother being taken to John Muir Hospital suffering from “Cognitive Dissonance” according to her Doctor. I asked her Doctor if this was the type of thing that would be the result of being yelled at and lied too, she said “absolutely” He is clearly gas lighting her and has put the no contact order in place so I can’t explain to her what’s going on.

On Sunday the 14th, Valentine’s Day, with no one answering any of the phone lines, I went to the house to give my Mom a Strawberry Cream Chocolate Heart, a thing she and I exchange every February. I was advised by friends to take someone with me, as everyone anticipated my Brother would be a problem, but I could find no one available. Since there is not a no contact order between my Mother and I, only Bob and I, I still anticipated he would lie about this to the police, once again.  Without anyone to accompany me I took my phone to video everything for security. When I arrived her gate to her yard was locked and I could see that Bob had arranged furniture from the garage into a barricade against the window of the TV room where she spends her evenings.  I had to use a chair to look over the barricade and saw her watching TV, I tapped on the window and said Happy Valentine’s Day Mom and she got up and excitedly came to the window with the house phone in her hand. She was so happy to see me but then Bob entered the room thinking she was talking to me on the phone. He grabbed the phone from her roughly and said “What do you think you’re doing?” And when he realized she was trying to open the window he slammed the inside shutters closed and she could be heard crying “I want to talk to him, it’s been so long since I’ve even seen him. “She tried to open the front door and he pushed her so hard she cried out in pain. He is highly unstable and even more so now that he knows he is losing his control on the situation. When this began, with me out of the way, he moved into her home, and has been living free of charge, and took my Mom to her estate lawyer, lying to her that he was setting things up for when she passed away, while really gaining control of her money immediately. He even changed the will from all three children getting a third, to Bob doling my third out one month at a time. He claims my father told him to do so before he died, but my Father and my Brother were not on speaking terms when he passed and he never would have said this. I have numerous documents that Bob has forged her signature onto, and this is one reason why he doesn’t want me communicating to her, ever again. Bob has Narcissistic Personality Disorder. He has no empathy for anyone, including my Mother and my Self. He is a pathological liar, which is how he has done so much damage undetected. I believe he is a serious danger to my Mother and even to himself if he feels cornered.  Below is the link to the Video of Valentine’s Day

The Video of this is difficult, even traumatic, for me to watch but I am glad I have the taped evidence, as my brother has been doing this for the last four years, all the while blaming me for what he is doing. He is highly unstable and even more so now that he knows he is losing his control on the situation. The 3 Videos of Valentine’s Day 2021 are viewable at is.gd/iaohannes

At the beginning of Video 3, as is apparent, upon arrival I find the T.V. room where my Mom watches T.V. at night has been barricaded by Bob with furniture (a couch, desk, chairs…) presumably from the garage. The purpose: No one can see into the room from outside, and anyone inside (Mom) will see outside. Isolation. Also front gate is permanetely locked with no buzzer to inside the house .According to investigator this barricade was no longer there 3 days after I reported it. Of course, knowing I had videoed the whole encounter Bob had plenty of time to remove it. Throughout the tape Bob can be heard abusing Joanne. She pleads with Bob to let her talk to me, and yells at her. All communication heard between Bob and Joanne is abusive, controlling and typical. This is “gas lighting”. In retrospect, I am too close to the camera and therefore my comments are twice as loud as theirs. I should have been more quiet, but it was hard for me to remain calm while my Brothers was actively assaulting my Mother, and myself.

 John Ayres M.A.A.T.             iaohannesa@gmail.com



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