
Showing posts from September, 2022

Hello Friends, Family, and the Parties necessary to the success of the “rescue mission” I am about to describe.

  Hello Friends, Family, and the Parties necessary to the success of the “rescue mission” I am about to describe. At the outset let me state, I now know that my frustration in the recent past that this issue has not been resolved sooner has been now recognized as part of the personally overwhelming nature of my brothers abuse ie: It has taken me this long to address the issues mentioned for the very reason that I have taken into account the abuse was not just directed at my mother but also myself, and that Bob’s “Gas Lighting” form of abuse was intended to traumatize me by abusing my mother in front of me and then isolating the two of us. Therefore my case against Robert is that both my Mother and Myself are Bob’s. I had to spend the good part of my early life recovering from my father’s. The first step, in realizing “you can’t change other people You can only change yourself” was moving away from the toxic energy to heal myself. (fortunately my father later in his life gave up drink